The term PPC stands for pay-per-click. PPC campaigns are a form of search engine marketing where a company builds an ad with targeted keywords and then pays for it by the click.

HubSpot contributor Matthew Wainwright has published an article on managing PPC campaigns.

He says, “We’ve created a free PPC campaign management template that will help you and your clients set up a full-funnel campaign structure that follows PPC best practices. Once you do that, you’ll be better positioned to maximize the return on your PPC investment. The template is broken down into two sections: Ads Planner and Ads Results.

Ads Planner Template

In this section of the template, you’ll record all of your ad campaign information. In the first 3 columns on the left-hand side, input your campaign name, keywords, and negative keywords (keywords you don’t want ads shown for).

HubSpot Ads Planner TemplateThe next section to right will hold all of your ad variations. There’s room for multiple headlines, descriptions, and URL paths to help you keep track of all of the ads you’re running.”

How to Perfectly Manage a PPC Campaign [Template]

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