Conversion rate optimization is the process of increasing the percentage of users or website visitors to take a desired action.

Spiralytics contributor Dhru Mehta has shared five useful ways to improve your company’s conversion rate.

He says, “If you, as an entrepreneur, are hoping for long-term success, then you should possess a strategy for growth. Fortunately, even in a market teeming with startups, you can make your mark and have a profitable business to carve a path to success. By employing a mix of traditional and creative solutions, you can build yourself a sizable customer base to help your startup off the ground.

Here, we will take a look at five such strategies that can help your startup improve its conversion rates and subsequently hack growth.

1. Market Your Startup Before Achieving Product-Market Fit

The product-market fit (PMF) is the state of existing within the perfect market for a particular service or product that solves a problem. While it doesn’t have to be the solution to every problem out there, it has to be a minimal viable product that fulfills a real need. Lack of market need can often be the doom for startups, as per a CBInsights survey which found that as many as 42% of startups failed because of it.”

5 Ways to Fuel Conversion Rate for Startups


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