According to HubSpot, more than 440,000 businesses were launched in June 2021. E-commerce has seen many such ventures and they do result in successful businesses.

To help you start your e-commerce business, HubSpot contributor Martina Bretous has published a comprehensive article on starting an e-commerce business in 2022.

She says, “Learn what it takes to start an ecommerce business and the steps to start one today.

Tips for Starting an Online Business

1. Design your website with intention.

Your website is your storefront – you don’t want potential customers arriving, looking around, and walking right out.

Think of your website title and meta description as your window display. You want the description to be enticing enough to beat out the competition and get users to click on your website.

Your homepage is the first thing visitors see when they land (or walk in). What will you present to make them keep scrolling? Maybe it’s your latest offer or a striking image from your latest campaign, or perhaps it’s a simple but compelling CTA that will invite curiosity.”

How to Start an E-commerce Business in 2022 [Steps + Must-Follow Tips]


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