Consider this scenario. You are building a remote workforce, perhaps scattered around the world. And you are committed to doing everything in your power to help your remote staff thrive.

As part of your efforts, you need to reassess your customer experience (“CX”) initiatives. Internal communication between your remote workers and you (and with each other) can impact how well you meet your customers’ needs. That review of your customer interactions can show you misalignments between these initiatives and your remote business management strategy. 

Understanding the Relationship Between CX and Remote Business Management

Your customer experience matters — and for good reason. Marketers that provide outstanding customer experiences can distinguish their reputation, their products, and their services from the competition’s offerings. When you do this, you can become well-known, trusted, and respected above your competitors. In addition, you can drive revenue and sales growth like never before. You are also well-equipped to optimize customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty.

Meanwhile, your remote team can drive CX and digital transformation for continual improvement. If you empower your remote workers with appropriate CX tools, resources, and training, they can deliver amazing customer experiences. The result: your remote staff can help your business thrive, regardless of their physical location.

Let’s not forget about the correlation between CX and internet marketing success, either. Positive customer experiences can support your business’ internet marketing initiatives. For example, remote workers can simultaneously handle customer requests and promote your business’s products and services to these customers. In doing so, these workers can bolster your internet marketing efforts. They can help you get the most value out of your internet marketing, too.

Help Remote Workers Deliver Great Customer Experiences

Give your remote workers many opportunities to engage with customers. To do so, you need to create a plan for the process you will use to enable it. With the right approach, you can empower your remote employees with everything they need to meet or exceed customers’ expectations.

Now, let’s look at three tips to help your remote workers provide customers with great experiences.

Make a Plan

Establish a CX strategy that accounts for your remote workers and your company’s target customers. The strategy should include business objectives and how your remote staff can help you accomplish them. It should also take advantage of things like the WhatsApp Business API and other online tools your remote personnel can use to support customers. 

Furthermore, create metrics for your CX strategy. Common CX metrics include average response time, average problem resolution time, and customer churn rate. Implement technologies to track these metrics across your remote team. Have technologies in place that let you analyze these metrics and transform them into insights as well. Then, you should regularly monitor your remote team’s performance on these metrics. But don’t stop there; use what you discover in analyzing your metrics to explore ways to improve your CX strategy.

Restructure Your Workflows

Take advantage of customer-focused workflow project management software. This can help you restructure your workflows in ways that promote seamless information-sharing among remote team members. With remote teams, even with just two or three remote people, it takes extra planning to avoid blind spots and dropped balls.

Your team can use workflow management software in conjunction with AI, databases, and automation technologies to quickly and easily share customer data. This drives collaboration among remote personnel and ensures they can work together to assure customer requests are fulfilled with promptness, precision and care. 

In addition, workflow management software can be used to help remote workers maximize their productivity and efficiency. For instance, if you identify repetitive tasks being performed by your remote work team, you can use automation technologies to perform them, instead. Since systems you create with this software keeps tasks from “falling into the cracks” between your team members, they won’t have to worry about these tasks moving forward. This way, they can reallocate time and resources to focus on customer needs and other high-value tasks.

Provide CX Training 

If your team is a large one, the lead team members can earn an MBA, so they can learn how to develop and provide CX training to remote workers. The training can teach workers about CX planning, remote restructuring, and similar topics. It can include tips and techniques to ensure your employees can provide memorable customer experiences.

Your CX training program should be tailored to your remote workforce. Some team members may need more training than others. The program should account for the tools and technologies that your team members use to assist customers. It should explain processes and procedures that these workers can use to handle even the most difficult customer requests.

Keep your CX training program up to date. Also, collect and analyze team member feedback regarding the program. This helps you deliver a training program that corresponds to the needs of your business, its remote team, and its customers.

Support Your Remote Workers

Along with the CX training you provide, you should remain accessible to your remote team. Effective management is paramount to ensure remote team members can feel valued and perform their best — and deliver the best customer experiences.

Set up regular meetings with remote team members, individually and as a group. Each meeting encourages open and honest communication about open issues and new business topics. It can help you ensure your remote workers are properly supported. And it allows them to share their perspectives on what can be done to help you achieve your desired results.

The Bottom Line on How Customer Experience Impacts a Remote Business Marketing Strategy

Your remote team members are key contributors, particularly when it comes to the customer experience. If you discuss CX with your team, they may quickly realize its impact on your business success. Then, they can make every customer interaction count. At this point, your remote team can be effective contributors to your CX and your business as a whole.

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