E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It comes from Google’s Search Quality Rater guidelines. E-A-T became well known after Medic Update in August 2018.

Search Engine Journal contributor Kevin Rowe has published a guide called ‘E-A-T & Link Building: A Guide to Evaluating Prospects’.

He says, “E-A-T has been a hot topic when it comes to on-site content.

But why, how, and when should you consider concepts in E-A-T with link building efforts?

Your site cannot have E-A-T without a link and brand mention profile.

In the Search Quality Rater Guidelines, Google states that “sources of reputation” are “news articles, Wikipedia, articles, blog posts, magazine articles, forum discussions, and ratings” when establishing Page Rating.

And it’s easy to determine that E-A-T can, in certain niches and to varying degrees, be leveraged in evaluating a site’s fit to secure a link.”

E-A-T & Link Building: A Guide to Evaluating Prospects

Search Engine Journal

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