SERP analysis is the process of breaking down the top-ranking pages in the SERP (search engine results page) to understand the search intent for the keyword you want to rank for.

Rank Ranger contributor Darrell Mordecai has published an in-depth article on performing SERP analysis.

He says, “Think of a search engine as an intelligent library. In other words, it does more than just house content. It also brings relevant content to its users and answers their questions.

Now, I’m sure you understand that already but it’s important to appreciate this point. For search engines to match content to a search query, the search engines need to understand two things:

  • The content
  • The search query

What’s more, with Google’s entities and machine learning, Google has become surprisingly good at understanding both. This means, to rank your content you must also attempt to understand both. This will allow you to align your content with Google’s goals and provide the best content for the searcher’s query.”

How to Do SERP Analysis

Rank Ranger

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