Instagram is known for being a visual platform and has historically been favored by creative businesses that have eye-catching images to share. With a strong strategy, Instagram can give a boost to your business.

Social Media Examiner contributor Laura Davis has published an article highlighting 11 Instagram features to help you grow your business.

She says, “There are 11 ways you can connect with your ideal customer on Instagram, and creators who use all, or most, of these features generally do better on the app. This is likely because their content reaches a wider cross-section of users who like to consume content in different ways.

Identifying which of these elements you’ll use in your own strategy depends on many factors, including the assets you have, time constraints, and your audience. To help you choose which features to incorporate in your Instagram marketing strategy, let’s look at each feature in detail.

#1: Instagram Feed Posts

When Instagram first launched in 2010, the feed consisted of a chronological list of square photos. Grid posts in the Instagram feed are the oldest and most recognizable part of the platform. Since those early days, much has changed but grid posts are still important. Your top nine posts should give a snapshot of who you are, what you do, and who you do it for.

How often to post to the feed: Aim to post at least three times a week; more if you have enough good-quality, relevant content”.

Instagram Marketing Beyond Images: What’s Working in 2021

Social Media Examiner

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