Pinterest has more than 450 million monthly active users. Its unique features continue to attract users from around the world.

Jeff Bullas has shared seven critical tips to help you achieve best results on Pinterest in 2021.

He says, “The cool thing about Pinterest is that it’s largely untapped compared to other social media platforms. While a lot of brands are reaping the rewards of this buy-ready audience, many have prioritized Facebook and Instagram, or even TikTok.

So if you get Pinterest marketing right, things can happen pretty quickly. You can get an edge over your competitors in a crowded digital ecosystem.

Not sure how to make the most of Pinterest? Here are 7 tips to get the best results.

#1. Create your own content

When it comes to sharing content on your Pinterest boards, you have two options – re-pin other people’s content or create your own.

Tailwind conducted a study of over 160,000 pins in November 2020 and discovered that original pins – those you create yourself – had a significantly higher engagement rate than re-pins. In fact, original pins saw a whopping 3.6x more saves and re-pins than rehashed content”.

7 Critical Tips for Getting the Best Results on Pinterest in 2021

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