Getting more and more traffic from Google is one of the most sought-after strategies for online business success.

Blogging Wizard contributor Ann Smarty has shared five useful tips to help you get more traffic from the Google search.

She says, “You can increase your blog’s organic traffic by increasing the click-through rate for your current positions, i.e. by making your search snippets more clickable.

Here’s how:

1. Create irresistible titles

I know this is easier said than done. Everyone says your headlines should be powerful but what exactly does it mean?

More often than not, page titles are what Google uses to create the most prominent part of the search snippet, i.e. its clickable part:

Page titles shown in Google results

There’s an in-depth article on how to write better titles as well as a list of tools that help you craft headlines that drive clicks“.

How To Get More Google Traffic (Without Ranking Higher)

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