In October 2019, Google released its newest and largest algorithm update called ‘Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers’ (BERT).

BrightEdge contributor Gabby Regalbuto has published an in-depth article on the Google BERT Algorithm Update.

She says, “BERT models are applied to rank and will impact featured snippets Google says, “BERT will help Search better understand one in 10 searches in the U.S. in English, and we’ll bring this to more languages and locales over times.”

The aftermath of BERT

After BERT was released, B2C companies, including AT&T, noticed that high volume head terms helped their rankings. Though, they weren’t ranking for solutions pages anymore but rather, for informational pages. Because of this, BERT altered content strategy for digital marketers. Instead of creating content around selling a consumer, digital marketers must first and foremost define the searched topic.

BERT is designed to determine what exactly the user is asking for so that Google can serve a searcher with the most relevant results pages”.

Google BERT Algorithm Update: What Is It?

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