With an effective guest posting strategy, you can amplify your brand awareness and build reputable links to grow your website traffic.

Search Engine Journal contributor Ron Lieback has shared 11 ways to improve guest posting and grow your business.

He says, “In this column, you’ll learn guest posting tips to not only provide your site SEO value but to help build your brand, too.

1. Stick to Your Niche & Exploit Expertise

If you’re a digital marketer that focuses on content in your business, write about content.

Exclusive to video marketing? Offer guest content about video marketing.

True experts have a narrow focus and tend to stay in their lane.

The key to expertise is pretty simple: you should actually be an expert in whatever it is you are writing about.

If you write professionally about multiple subjects, you run the risk of muddying your brand and confusing search engine evaluation of your content”.

Guest Posting in 2021: Amplify Brand First, Build Links Second

Search Engine Journal

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