Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, and Microsoft, Cortana are the technologies that have changed the way people search for information. With the widespread adoption of voice search, businesses are finding greater opportunities to reach more prospects and customers.

Tech Guide has published an in-depth article on voice search technology.

The Tech Guide team says, “Basically, voice search means creating a query by speaking into a ‘voice assistant’ equipped device and getting results. It is just like using a search engine. The only difference is that you have to speak out your question here and not type on the interface.

You can try saying “Ok Google” to your Android devices or “Hey Siri” to your Apple devices. This will open the voice assistant on your phone, laptop, or tablet. Then, you can ask them your questions.

The technology utilises speech recognition, which analyses the frequency of your voice and understands what you are saying. Once it comprehends your voice, it runs an algorithm to search the question through its database”.

What is Voice Search Technology?

Tech Guide

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