Jeff Bullas has published a new podcast episode ‘The Art of Selling Your Business’ to help marketers understand how they can sell their business.

He says, “This podcast is about the stories of entrepreneurs. To shine a light on what inspired them to start and what they learned along the way. In essence, to find out their secret sauce for success.

The journey of entrepreneurs is often the hero’s journey with both the joy and pain that comes with starting and running a business.

So what can you expect to hear when you listen to each episode?

We will be talking to the CEO’s, CMO’s and founders of businesses that are succeeding in this digital world. We will dive into their stories and find out how they grow their businesses.

  • We will find out why they started their businesses. What and who inspired them?
  • Who are their mentors and resources (Eg. books) that have supported them on the journey
  • What have been their biggest obstacles and challenges
  • What has been the one thing they have learned by being an entrepreneur”.

The Art of Selling Your Business

Jeff Bullas’ Blog

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