Google Discover mobile feed shows information and news about the topics that interest you – based on your online activity.

Ahrefs contributor Michal Pecánek has published a comprehensive article on Google Discover.

He says, “Millions of people see a personalized Google Discover feed on their mobile devices every day, and it’s become a solid source of traffic for many websites since its introduction in 2018. This is especially true for news and media outlets, many of which now get the bulk of their organic traffic from Discover.

Even our humble little SEO blog got almost 150k clicks from it in the past six months:

2 ahrefs blog discover performance

Google Discover is still a big unknown, though. And because this topic calls for expert collaboration, we asked a few SEO experts for their insights:

Kevin Indig – VP of SEO & Content at G2
Suganthan Mohanadasan — Co-founder and technical SEO lead at Snippet Digital“.

Google Discover: How to Rank and Drive Traffic


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