As we know, a hashtag is a keyword or phrase preceded by a hash (#) symbol. On social media platforms, hashtags help a piece of content become more discoverable by other users.

Business 2 Community contributor Daniel Hopper has shared four ways to help you improve audience engagement on social media platforms.

Hopper says, “The use of hashtags has grown from the initial purpose of indicating the topic of a post to support visibility and participation, to having the additional function of a social resource for forming relationships and communities. Social media users now commonly use hashtags to give interpersonal meanings to a piece of content. Because users choose their hashtags, they inevitably have become personalised and can even start trends. These two broad functions of hashtags providing numerous benefits.

Indicate topics or themes

Hashtags are an information-organising tool in the same way as keywords are for search engine optimisation (SEO). They add context to a social media post and act like a “decentralised, user-generated tagging, organising, and classification system” (Saxton, Niyirora, Guo, & Waters, 2015)”.

Hashtags: How to Use Them to Engage Your Audience

Business 2 Community

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