Link building is an essential process in your marketing. Quality links help you to improve your SEO rankings.

Koozai’s David Wilson has shared an article highlighting five common misconceptions about backlinks.

Wilson says, “We all know that backlinks are a key ranking factor and that without them you’ll often struggle to rank. However, there are an awful lot of misconceptions out there when it comes to how you build and measure links, and the importance of certain types of backlinks to your SEO strategy.

Here are 5 of the most common link building myths:

1) ‘No follow links are worthless’

For those who don’t know, a ‘no follow’ link is where the site author sets a ‘no follow’ tag on a link in the HTML. In layman’s terms a no follow link has essentially been seen as an instruction for Google to ignore that link from an SEO standpoint. So logically no follow links are essentially worthless to your SEO strategy, right? Well, not quite.

It’s certainly true that because ‘follow’ links tend to carry more ‘SEO weight’ that they are also more likely to create more tangible movements in rankings and traffic”.

Link Building Myths Busted: 5 Common Misconceptions About Backlinks


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