Wired contributor Henrik Sorensen has published an article highlighting some useful tips to clean up your old social media posts.

Sorensen says, “AS SOCIAL MEDIA platforms have evolved, they’ve become more and more about the moment—what you’re doing now, rather than what you were doing five years ago. While looking back through photos and posts can be heart-warming and provide a buzz of nostalgia, it can also be painful and embarrassing.

If your social media life spans more than a few years, you might not want friends, family, or prospective employers looking back on the sort of person you used to be. Here we’ll show you how you can scrub your timelines on the three biggest social platforms, using both built-in tools and third-party add-ons.

Before you get started, don’t forget you have the option of backing up your posts first (FacebookTwitterInstagram). We should also remind you that you use these third-party tools at your own risk—remember you’re giving them access to all of your social media history, and perhaps more, so bear that in mind before connecting”.

How to Clean Up Your Old Social Media Posts

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