Guest posting has been seen as a great way to create more and more backlinks to your websites and also in improving your authenticity. It also helps you to grow your network online.

Content Marketing Institute‘s Aaron Agius has shared an article on doing guest posting in 2020.

Agius says, “Marketers often turn to guest blogging to build brand authority and to secure backlinks to help their content’s Google ranking.

But do guest posts work? As far back as 2014, then-head of Google’s web spam team Matt Cutts said, “(S)tick a fork in it: Guest blogging is done; it’s just gotten too spammy.”

In 2020, Matt’s advice remains solid. Guest blogging should not be the star in your content marketing mix. You can use more effective ways to boost your SEO and achieve online growth. Let me explain.

1. Occasional guest posting doesn’t help SEO

Though it can be tricky to keep up with evolving SEO algorithms, not a great deal has changed principally in the murky world of link building over the last few years”.

Why Guest Posting Isn’t the Answer in 2020

Content Marketing Institute
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