You can improve your email marketing campaign performance by analyzing its impact on your sales. By evaluating the email open rate, click-through rate and conversion rate you can make required changes to your campaigns.

Blogging Wizard contributor Mark Xavier Quadros has shared 15 email marketing metrics that you should consider while planning your next campaign.

Quadros says, “As a content creator venturing into email marketing, you have to take time to establish your campaign goals.

For instance, metrics for a lead-gen campaign would differ from a campaign that closes those leads. You use these metrics, to reflect on your performance, and optimize future campaigns for better performance.

So in this article, I’ll look at email marketing and breakdown important metrics you should track.

1. Open rate

This is the simplest KPI in email marketing. It is crucial to know how well subscribers are receiving your mails. The open rate monitors the total number of subscribers that opened sent messages.

Open rates can offer you an insight into the latency of your subject line copy. For instance, subject lines with the first names of receivers stand the chance of being opened by 26%“.

The Email Marketing Metrics Every Campaign Should Be Based On

Blogging Wizard

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