The coronavirus epidemic has created a huge problem for the businesses around the world. It is important to identify a strategy that can help you to safeguard your business in this difficult time.

Search Engine Journal‘s Miranda Miller has shared 13 ways to combat the coronavirus impact on your business.

Miller says, “There are quite a few reputable resources to help employers and employees prepare for COVID-19, like this WHO guide.

For self-employed individuals and small business owners, help can be harder to find. How can your business survive the economic impact of a COVID-19 outbreak – or the social distancing required to prevent one?

Keep Calm & Optimize On

This is not a time for panic.

I’m seeing some alarming accounts from marketing and SEO friends of clients pulling their contracts and shutting down marketing operations until further notice.

This knee-jerk reaction is setting your business up for a long-term, uphill struggle to recover.

Whether you are a landscaping business, a family-owned restaurant, a small retail shop, or some other privately-owned company, you may experience revenue losses in the coming months”.

13 Ways Businesses Can Use SEO & Marketing to Combat Coronavirus Impact

Search Engine Journal

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