Today is day 6 of the Content Sparks half-price sale. Tody’s half-price product is Sales Funnel Magic.

This is a fully-customizable course that you can put your own name on. It teaches your clients and customers how to design high-converting, automated online sales funnels that will build a loyal customer base and bring in ongoing revenue.

Remember Sales Funnel Magic is a complete “done for you” product, including:
► Course Book and Action Guide
► Slideshow
► Infographics & Graphics
► Cheat Sheet
► Planning worksheets
► and more.

In your course (taught in a live webinar, a podcast or ebook, etc.) you can tell your subscribers about how they can set up a system for selling their products on autopilot. While building relationships at the same time.

Sales Funnel Magic follows on beautifully from yesterday’s Fast and Fearless Information Products, since once you have an information product – you need to sell it.

A simple sales funnel is one of the best ways to improve your marketing results. After selling a primary product, offer related products to your buyers.

Sales funnels are only one part of any business that can be scaled up, but a very important one. This is a great opportunity to remind your audience how powerful they can be.

And, in case you’re wondering how sales funnel fit into the bigger business picture, the Customer Lifecycle Marketing course (complete PLR including slides, hand-outs, promotional materials, and more) is available as an optional enhancement.

By the way, if you missed any of the earlier 5 products, they are still available until the sale ends.

Let Content SParks be your ghostwriter. Get your own complete course here: Content Sparks Anniversary Sale.

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