TikTok has created its own space in the modern digital landscape. This app has made it to most popular app download charts for the last few months.

To help you learn about the future of TikTok, Entrepreneur contributor Dacid Meltzer has published a new video ‘Why TikTok Will Never Die’ featuring Thomas Ma, co-founder of Sapphire Apps Media.

Meltzer says, “Thomas Ma, co-founder of Sapphire Apps Media, talks about how working at his mother’s nail salon taught him what it means to be an entrepreneur and how today’s social media platforms are being leveraged to create impactful content that goes viral. 

Ma and The Playbook host David Meltzer share their thoughts on how to identify which trends are the important ones to follow, how brands are using emerging social media platforms like TikTok and why you need to adapt your content for specific platforms and audiences. Ma also provides his best bit of advice for someone who wants to get involved in TikTok but doesn’t know how to go about it”.

Why TikTok Will Never Die


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