Outbound links are the links that take your readers to other websites from yours. Also known as external links, these links help your readers to explore relevant content beyond your website.

Vertical Leap’s Kerry Dye has published an article to help you analyze the impact of outbound links on your SEO performance.

Dye says, “Here’s why you should be using outbound links:

  • Quality content naturally includes data/information from reputable, third-party sources.
  • Outbound links can prove your content is accurate.
  • External info/data appears impartial, reinforces your message.
  • Users instinctively trust known/reputable names.
  • Users instinctively associate you with the brands you link to.
  • Content that contains a lot of data increases engagement, shares and trust.
  • Google’s Search Quality Raters look for outbound links.

Google isn’t going to give you a major ranking boost for having a lot of outbound links in your content. However, a user engaging with your content is going to spend more time on the page and trust your message more if you link to reputable third-party sources”.

Do outbound links matter for SEO?

Vertical Leap

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