A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of your web page. Title tags appear on search engine result pages in response to search queries. Tags also appear in social media posts and browser tabs.

According to Moz “title tags are the second most important on-page factor for SEO, after content”.

Title tags help your visitors to know what information will be present when they visit your web page.

Seer Interactive’s Zaine Clark has shared four tips to write title tags to get better SEO performance.

Clark says, “Title tags are important for various reasons. Title tags are a major factor in helping search engines understand what the page is about. Even more importantly, they help searchers understand the content on your page, which helps them choose the most appropriate result for whatever their query is. Title tags also appear in the browser tabs (see image above),  and in social shares.

How To Write A Title Tag

1. Conduct Keyword Research

Because title tags are so important to search engines, you should complete your keyword research before crafting one. Once you complete keyword research, you should have a clear understanding of the content and be able to craft a keyword-rich title (without overusing keywords) that describes the content and entices searchers to choose your result”.

Why Are Title Tags Still Important for SEO?

Seer Interactive

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