Smart Targeting refers to the tactic of predicting the interests of Internet browsers using artificial intelligence (AI). You can offer your audience a more personalized experience with smart targeting.

HubSpot contributor Kayla Carmicheal has published an article highlighting the benefits of smart targeting.

Carmicheal says, “When you set smart content rules and assign them to contacts, they’ll qualify for the first rule you set. And, for each of the rules you set, you can preview your text before publishing.

For example, if you want a contact to view specific content you’ve set up based on their country, you can assign the “Country” smart rule to their contact display. Other smart rules you might find in a CRM include:

  • Device Type: This smart rule lets you set the medium your content is viewed in — mobile, tablet, or desktop. You can always preview this medium after creating this smart rule.
  • Referral source: Based on how visitors on your site found it. This will formulate your content based on whichever site they came from”.

Smart Targeting: The Better Way to Reach Audiences & Customers


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