Appealing content helps you to improve your conversion rate and create more sales. Content marketing revolves around the creation, publication, and distribution of content your target audience is interested in.

Besides content creation, the most important phase is widespread content distribution. It allows you to extend your online reach.

Portent contributor Jeremiah Bratton has shared a guide to creating accessible web content.

Bratton says, “This article covers a small set of general accessibility issues that are part of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) compliance. I will point them out and explain them, provide insight on how you can resolve these issues, and offer my professional opinion on how these issues make it into our applications or websites in the first place.

To be more specific, nearly all of these issues can be flagged using tools such as AXE by DequeuewebAIM’s WAVE Accessibility Tool, or the Audit tools in Google Chrome. Any items that you cannot find via a tool, I will call out directly and provide context on what to look for.

Screen Reader Use in Examples

One last point before we get started. Some screencaps in this article will show the Rotor menu from VoiceOver, a screen reader bundled with macOS. If your curiosity is piqued and you would like to test along with the article, has a guide for using VoiceOver to evaluate accessibility to get you up and running with VoiceOver”.

Accessible Web Content: The Quick Start Guide


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