Google Search Console helps you to monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your website’s presence in Google Search results. It helps you to choose keywords that help you to improve your rankings.

Seer Interactive contributor Taylor Hurff has shared three ways to use Google Search Console to improve your keyword rankings.

Hurff says, “New content opportunities are a great way to get more visitors to your site, but oftentimes, your pages will have valuable keywords ranking just a bit too low to get clicks. Finding these keywords and optimizing for them through metadata and on-page copy edits can help boost their rankings and generate clicks.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Open Google Search Console
  2. Click on Search Results (Located Under Performance Tab)
  3. Click “Average CTR” and “Average Position” so the data populates below
  4. Scroll down and sort by CTR (low to high)”.

3 Simple Ways to Use GSC to Boost Keyword Rankings

Seer Interactive

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