Your e-commerce campaigns depend on the way you have created content to promote your products. To win new customers it is important to have persuasive content that supports your product.

Search Engine Journal contributor Miranda Miller has shared a step-by-step guide to create a strong content strategy for your e-commerce sites.

Miller says, “Whether you’re updating an existing content strategy or starting from scratch, guide your efforts by applying a popular business innovation framework that accounts for three key factors:

  • People
  • Technology
  • Process


There are two main groups of people to consider: those driving your content efforts, and your intended audience and customers.

In smaller ecommerce operations, your Managing Editor and Content Marketing Manager/Content Director might be one and the same, while in mid-sized to large companies you’re more likely to need each in a separate role”.

How to Create a Content Strategy for Ecommerce Sites

Search Engine Watch

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