The term social proof refers to using testimonials and feedback from your existing customers. Social proof is a psychological and social phenomenon that leads people to follow the actions of others.

The Social Media Examiner contributor Abhishek Shah has shared an article sharing useful tips on using social proof in your marketing.

Shah says, “Social proof can give customers powerful emotional triggers that significantly influence their reaction and response to your brand or even to specific products. It not only can help them make a positive decision about your business but also inspire confidence in their choice and give them the feeling of being a part of something bigger.

The manner in which you use social proof to boost your visibility efforts will vary with the type of social proof in question. Here are three ways you can use multiple types and sources of proof in combination to increase your brand’s credibility.

#1: Spotlight Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Approval from your existing and past users in the form of ratings, reviews, and testimonials can positively impact the mindset of potential customers before they engage with your brand. Positive opinions expressed by friends and people known to potential customers improve the latter’s chances of trying out a new product or service”.

How to Use Social Proof in Your Marketing

Social Media Examiner

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