You content marketing strategy should have authenticity and creativity combined with a clear vision. Your content should be such that makes your prospects to look back at your product portfolio and make a purchase.

The Copyblogger contributor Sonia Simone has shared a list of 10 things that can make your content marketing strategy rewarding.

Simone says, “Here are my recommendations for 10 elements that make sense in a solid content marketing strategy. You may have additional thoughts, and I’d love to hear them in the comments!

#1: Document the Who

All good content, sales, and marketing depends on one factor above all others:

Who are we talking with?

Humans are complicated, and you could spend months or even years researching this. You’ll want to look for the middle ground between a deep understanding and six months in a rabbit hole.

Different organizations have different strategies for developing this deep understanding. I’m partial to interviews and social media listening (Facebook groups can be particularly rich)”.

10 Things Your Content Marketing Strategy Must Include


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