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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

‘The Marketing Channel You’ve Been Missing’ Webinar January 17

The MarketingProfs team is hosting a webinar on ‘The Marketing Channel You’ve Been Missing’ Thursday, January 17 at 2.00 pm ET. The webinar speakers are going to share some tips to help marketers improve their open and engagement rates. MarketingProfs team says, “We think of demand gen as bringing leads to our businesses. But sometimes we forget that it’s also effective for us to go where the people we’re targeting already are. People are flooded with email, social ads, and retargeting to the point that they ignore it. But that little * bing * in their pockets?... [...]

Forrester releases ‘Predictions 2019’ guide

The Forrester research team has published new guide titled ‘Predictions 2019’. Forrester team says, “The year transformation goes pragmatic Seismic shifts in the market are challenging the existing leadership norms, business models, technology agendas, and customer engagement strategies that made companies what they are. 2019 represents a year when strategic ambitions will translate to pragmatic, surgical efforts with the aim of putting points on the board. Stakes remain high and the fate of many companies is in the balance as empowered customers vote with affinity and spend.... [...]

Four ways to improve your YouTube marketing

YouTube is the ultimate platform when it comes to using video. Also when it comes to social media it is only behind Facebook in the number of daily users. With persistent efforts and creative content you can make your marketing result-oriented. The Forbes team has shared four useful tips to help marketers use YouTube in a way so that they get the desired results from their marketing videos. Talking about advertising on YouTube, Forbes team says, “Yes, advertising on YouTube is cheap. Yes, high-quality YouTube videos boast immense SEO value. But more importantly than that, video is simply... [...]

Retail marketing trends you should know

It is important to know about the trends that are taking place and the trends that are expected in the future. The Forbes team has shared seven trends that we need to pay attention to in the retail marketing domain. John Hall says, ” To help your retail business grow and thrive, here are seven retail trends in marketing that you need to pay attention to in 2019 and beyond. 1. Omnichannel is the future of retail. Omnichannel is a popular buzzword for both marketers and retailers. But, what exactly is omnichannel and why is it the future of retail? Omnichannel can be defined as “a multichannel... [...]

Forbes’ influencer marketing predictions for 2019

The influencer marketing domain has been growing and now reaching the micro-influencers too. This new concept has provided the brands with an opportunity to reach out the people having specific are of interest and need. With the rise of social media, the influencer marketing is surely going to have a better future in the coming year. With a view to help marketers learn about the status of influencer marketing in 2019, Forbes contributor Jason Pampell has shared four predictions. Talking about the focus on partnerships in the new year, Pampell says,  “While it may have been acceptable in... [...]

Tackling New Year’s Predictions [Podcast]

The eMarketer team has published a new podcast featuring their predictions for the 2019. eMareter team says, “In this special holiday edition of The Weekly Listen podcast, we take a break from discussing eMarketer’s forecasts, and instead weigh in on other people’s predictions for 2019”. Tackling New Year’s Predictions eMarketer  [...]

What’s next for virtual assistants like Alexa? Maybe buying stuff for you automatically. [Podcast]

The virtual assistants have entered in the several households and are becoming an integral part of many lives. This new technology has allowed brands to optimize one more new way to promote themselves. ReadWrite columnist Eric Johnson has published a podcast on the future trends we may expect with the virtual assistant. Johnson says, “When Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa first came on the scene they were impressive novelties. Over time, though, they got smarter and more popular — and now we’re entering a new phase of voice tech, says editor Bret Kinsella. On the latest... [...]

Ways to improve your content marketing

Content marketing has become an essential part of our marketing strategy as it delivers long term benefits from a piece you publish online. Though it is not easy to come out with creative pieces but as it is promising the efforts are worthwhile. Content Marketing Institute columnist Kim Moutsos has shared four content marketing gems to help fellow marketers strengthen their content marketing strategies. Moutsos says, “Here are some of the lessons that resonated with me long after the newsletters hit people’s inboxes. (Robert’s column is only available in CMI’s Weekly Alert. If you’re... [...]

The SEO Elevator Pitch [MOZ Video]

Search engine optimization enables you to reach out manifold people with the help of search engines and turn them into prospective customers. The MOZ team has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Kameron Jenkins on ‘The SEO Elevator Pitch’. who shares some useful tips on how you can establish yourself as an SEO specialist. The MOZ team says, “What is it you do again? It’s a question every SEO has had to answer at some point, whether to your family members over the holidays or to the developer who will eventually implement your suggestions. If you don’t... [...]

Watch for these small business marketing automation trends in 2019

The new year is just a few days away and it is the time to discover what lies ahead. Marketing automation is something everyone is curious about and the AI and VR have created more hopes for it. Small Business Trends contributor Itai Elizur has shared five small business marketing automation trends of 2019. Talking about audience segmentation across marketing channels, Elizur says, “Even among those marketers who use more advanced technology and have fully adopted automation, regular and consistent segmentation is rare to find in a marketing automation plan. Marketers might segment key... [...]

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