Quora has launched the ‘Promoted Answers’ ad units for its users. This new feature allows anyone with a Quora Ads account to extend the reach of their answers on Quora.

Talking about this new feature, Ryan Browne says, “Many businesses are already acquiring customers organically through their answers on Quora, and with Promoted Answers they can reach a wider audience. The format provides a flexible canvas to share detailed information about your product or service that goes beyond the characters allowed in normal ad copy and helps to facilitate engagement through upvotes, comments, and follows. If Quora users are already discussing your business, Promoted Answers are a great way to join the conversation surrounding your brand”.

According to the Quora team businesses have already seen benefits of this new feature.

Browne adds, “Advertisers are already seeing success with the new format. Quora advertiser DuckDuckGo’s promoted answers were viewed over 200x more than their non-promoted content, resulting in millions of views on their answers”.

Promote your Answers on Quora


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