An outstanding marketing campaign is the one that appeals the masses in a unique manner. Apart from promotion it should also be showing the respect to the people who are addressed or featured in it.

The Econsultancy team has shared seventeen marketing campaigns that have featured a positive message for the women.

You may like to observe and follow them to make you next marketing campaign more effective.

Econsultancy team says, “The marketing and advertising industries have historically been more about fantasy than reality, and female idealisation rather than empowerment.

Today, however, we’re seeing a sea-change in the way brands represent and market to women, fuelled by social and political movements.

There’s still work to be done, of course. That beach body campaign wasn’t all that long ago, was it? Luckily though, many brands are working hard to make it a distant memory.

Here’s 17 marketing campaigns that depict a positive message about women.

1. Smirnoff and Spotify – The Equaliser

In 2018, Smirnoff backed a campaign to get more people listening to women. It was based on data from Spotify that showed none of the top 10 most-streamed tracks in 2017 were performed by female artists or bands”.

17 marketing campaigns with a positive message for women


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