A/B testing helps brands discover which experience works best for the majority of their customers. Continuous improvement in it can lead an  organization to newer heights by getting to know their customers well.

Entrepreneur contributor Karl Wirth has published an in-depth article on A/B testing and two ways to improve it.

Wirth says, “You still can benefit from A/B testing in a personalized world. The key is to stop thinking about A/B testing solely in a one-size-fits-all sort of way. Instead, work toward combining your No. 1 finisher with personalization efforts. That’s how you find the winning experience for each person.

Savvy marketers think about A/B testing with both types of personalization experiences: segments (groups of people) and individuals (one-to-one). Here’s how.

Segment experiences.

Segment-level personalization tailors an experience to a group of people based on shared characteristics. For example, you could send one email promotion to shoppers interested in shoes and a different promotion to those interested in sweaters. Your homepage could display one headline to visitors from small businesses and a different headline to users from large enterprises”.

Why Your Approach to A/B Testing Is Costing You Sales


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