The Entrepreneur magazine team has published a video featuring Erik Hubernman on ‘The 3 Pillars of Marketing to Help Turn Your Company Into the Next Coca-Cola’.

The Entrepreneur team says, “In this video, Erik Huberman talks with Entrepreneur Network partner Business Rockstar about the three pillars of marketing: awareness, nurturing and trust. The three pillars can combine to add new customers to a new business.

Trust is especially important since 75 percent of people say they won’t buy a product without trust. An important way to secure third-party awareness is to gather trust around your product. Some possible ways to do this are to garner press coverage or gain more notoreity through influencer marketing. Once you gather the third party’s validation, you are working on the first step towards building brand awareness.

Brand awareness is especially important to establishing authority in your industry and market. One example of brand awareness is a beverage giant like Coca-Cola. No one doubts if he or she is receiving the product of Coke when they receive a bottle of Coca-Cola. Instead, the brand awareness is so strong around Coca-Cola, the product’s image speaks for itself and consumers are instantly confident in what to expect”.

The 3 Pillars of Marketing to Help Turn Your Company Into the Next Coca-Cola [Video]


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