Twitter’s advanced search feature helps you find highly specific information on the social network.

HubSpot’s Caroline Forsey has shared a four-step guide to using advanced search feature on Twitter.

Forsey says, “Let’s say you want to find a specific @elonmusk tweet about machine learning, but can’t find the tweet when you scroll back in your feed. Or you’re hosting a “2018 web design” webinar and want to compile a list of experts using Twitter. Or maybe you just want to see Twitter conversations between @garyvee and @bcuban from 2016.

There’s no denying that Twitter is a great social media tool. But with 300 million people using Twitter every month, it’s often tricky to find the information you need.

Twitter’s regular search feature can’t help you find any highly specific information. Luckily, Twitter’s advanced search can.

But using advanced search isn’t as intuitive as using the basic search functions, so we’ve covered the four steps to master advanced search. Once you have these down, you can explore the various search fields depending on your search intent”.

How to Use Twitter’s Advanced Search


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