Online advertising is one of the most used ways to grow a business by getting more customers and generating more revenue. A successful ad is one that helps you convert more prospects into customers.

Entrepreneur contributor Perry Marshall has shared seven questions to help marketers determine whether they need to improve their ads.

Marshall says, “How do we make sure our brand and message become focal to our prospects? How is this done so our brand and message become so obvious they begin to permeate the prospect’s mind? In researching this for myself, I created the following seven questions that I ask myself before releasing any type of ad copy to ensure that the brand and message have a prospect’s focused attention.

1. How do I make the offer appear novel, unique and distinctive? 

The goal is focused attention. It doesn’t matter how great the product or how compelling the message is. If people don’t hear it, if they don’t pay attention to it, it’s not going to convert them.

This is really easy if the offer happens to be brand new — something the market’s never seen before. But, if your offer isn’t new — if it’s something people are used to seeing — here are some questions to ask in order to attract the prospect’s focused attention:

  • What’s a way to make the offer feel new and noteworthy?
  • What’s a way to make the offer new?”.

7 Questions to Determine Whether Your Ad Is Ready for the Big Time


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