Companies use blogs to promote their products and services and to keep their customers up to date with the domain knowledge. And the independent bloggers use this platform to promote third products and content to make money. Several bloggers spend a few hours online and make a handsome income.

Forbes columnist Ashley Stahl has shared five ways to make money with blogging.

Focusing on quality content creation, Ashley says, “When I started my copywriting house recently, one of the most common complaints I heard from clients was that they couldn’t possibly create as much quality content as they wanted. The first thing I always tell them is to make sure they’re passionate about their content (“What keeps you up at night?” I ask). Next, work with others who are equally passionate, especially those who really get your mission on a gut level. Use that passion to drive your blog forward.

Build a dedicated audience who just can’t stop caring (and clicking!)

It’s difficult to make money without an audience. So focus first on building an audience. Use social media to your advantage”.

Blog Post To Cash: Is it Possible?


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