Mobile is at the heart of all online businesses now. With the evolution of smartphones apps have put forward a smooth way for the businesses to grow.

To keep your apps up to date and keep them performing well, you should keep trying to improve them for better customer service.

Entrepreneur guest writer Kimberly de Silva has published an article featuring six important mobile metrics that play important role for growing your apps.

Kimberly says, “After all the effort you put into developing your app, you will want it to have a long (and successful) shelf life. Here are six important mobile app metrics that can help to grow your app.

1. Uninstall rate

Downloads (or installs) are an important metric to track your app’s growth, but the flipside is often overlooked. While installs are an acquisition metric, uninstalls are a retention metric. The uninstall rate tells you how many users discontinue using the app, which in turn will help you understand the long-term sustainability of your app. A high uninstall rate might indicate a glaring problem in your app, so it is crucial to uncover and solve issues.

2. Active users

Is your app indispensable to customers? The daily active user (DAU) and monthly active users (MAU) metrics will tell you just that. It refers to the unique number of people who used your app on a specific day or month, respectively. App usage tends to decrease over time, so you need to make a sticky app that people cannot live without”.

6 Significant (But Often Overlooked) Mobile Metrics


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