HubSpot has published a free book ‘Content Marketing Workbook: A Beginner’s Guide to Applying Content Marketing to your Business’.

The ebook is aimed at helping marketers begin their content marketing journey.

The HubSpot team says, “Content marketing is a strategic marketing and business process focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content. This content is meant to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and, ultimately, drive profitable customer action.

When done correctly, content marketing helps create a relationship with your audience, which leads to trust. And if your audience trusts you, they’ll be more willing to do business with you when they’re ready to make a purchasing decision.

What You’ll Learn in This Workbook

The activities and readings in this workbook will help you fine-tune and grow your content marketing capabilities. Each section is based on learnings from each class in HubSpot’s free Content Marketing Certification course. This way, you can apply what you learned to your business. If you need help, refer to the helpful links below each activity”.

Content Marketing Workbook: A Beginner’s Guide to Applying Content Marketing to your Business


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