In today’s marketing practices chatbots are taking an important spot. Chatbots capitalize on automation through platforms that have large audiences.

HubSpot’s Karla Cook has posted an article focused on seven brands that are using chatbots for marketing.

Cook says, “As AOL’s David Shingy writes in Adweek, “The challenge [with chatbots] will be thinking about creative from a whole different view: Can we have creative that scales? That customizes itself? We find ourselves hurtling toward another handoff from man to machine — what larger system of creative or complex storytelling structure can I design such that a machine can use it appropriately and effectively?”

Some brands already seem to be getting the balance right. A bot needs to capture a user’s attention quickly and display a healthy curiosity about their new acquaintance, but too much curiosity can easily push them into creepy territory and turn people off. They have to display more than a basic knowledge of human conversational patterns, but they can’t claim to be an actual human — again, let’s keep things from getting too creepy here”.

7 Brands Already Using Chatbots in Their Marketing

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