Various types of content plays a pivotal role in optimizing your websites. One such great piece of such content is featured snippets.

MOZ’s Nick Van Huis has published a case study on optimizing sites for featured snippets with Q&A content.

Huis says, “Ranking near the top of the SERPs for short-tail keywords in competitive business verticals can be extremely difficult. Wikipedia,, and similar sites have the market cornered on ranking at the top of search results. Even if you manage to rank in the first position, there are featured snippets, ads, map packs, and other SERP layouts that are dominating the space as well.

Because short-tail keywords have such broad search intents, it’s in the search engine’s best interest to try and answer questions directly in SERPs. That is the intent of featured snippets. If a search engine is able to answer a user’s query without them leaving the results page, they believe that delivers the best result. And the proliferation of featured snippets is only beginning. According to Search Engine Land, 19.45% of queries will display rich answers (a form of featured snippets) in Google”.

Optimizing Sites for Featured Snippets with Q&A Content [Case Study]

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