‘Truth’ should be the essence of any business. Businesses with an authentic and reliable ideology grow and people love them.

Same is the case with marketing.

Marketing Land columnist Lewis Gersh has shared seven rules of respectful marketing.

Gersh says, ”

This is a two-way street, and you do harm to your own brand by plowing ahead with blinders on.

With this in mind, a brand should:

1. Be vigilant about where your partners (and their partners’ partners) get their data

When buying data for ad targeting and retargeting purposes, vet individual partners and use only those that are a validated, safe, primary data source. But even then, how do you know where that partner is getting their data? They could (unknowingly) be relying on a whole basket of providers from across the ethical spectrum.

Be thorough as you investigate, and only work with partners who use reliable, trustworthy data. They’re out there, and they generally have names you recognize.

2. Boycott data gathered from ambient listening and other unethical techniques

Ambient listening and scraping peoples’ text messages and emails are highly unethical and odious practices, and you want to stay far away from it”.

The 7 rules of respectful marketing

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