Genuine and positive user reviews can help your online business grow. According to an AdWeek report,  customer reviews can sway purchase decisions, and generate trust in your product and brand. writer Shane Barker has shared a guide to get genuine customer reviews.

Barker says, “It’s important to consider that your customers would also have this same mindset when they’re planning to buy something from your website. When they see that a large percentage of people who have bought the product are raving about it, it could compel them to make the purchase too. So if you can manage to get authentic reviews from your customers, it could result in increased conversions.

But the tricky part is in collecting the reviews. Not everyone may feel the need to share with others their pleasant experience of ordering from you and how they’ve benefited from the product. So it comes down to you to make an active effort to collect genuine customer reviews”.

Guide to get genuine customer reviews.

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