Alex Jasin says, “Forty years ago, building a brand meant coining a clever slogan, having slick graphics, and buying tons of ads on TV for everyone to watch. This method still works today, but not nearly as well as it did back in the good old “Mad Men” days. The world is much more fragmented, and it’s become harder to build awareness …

Forty years ago, building a brand meant coining a clever slogan, having slick graphics, and buying tons of ads on TV for everyone to watch.

And guess what? It worked. In fact, it worked really well.

This method still works today, but not nearly as well as it did back in the good old “Mad Men” days. The world is much more fragmented, and it’s become harder and harder to build awareness that lasts.

To get the attention you’re after, you need to stand out from the pack. In a highly competitive industry, your products and services probably won’t be enough to attract people’s interests either. That’s where the magic of a brand comes in”.

4 Big Reasons Your Brand Isn’t Growing

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