Peter O’Neill says, “Many new marketing automation solutions are now available to help B2C marketers manage customer engagement, B2B marketers manage leads, and marketers of all ilk manage other marketing processes, such as campaigns and digital asset management.

European marketers are traditionally more hesitant about investing in technology projects, leading to a perception that they are late adopters. But in 2014, we observed a new European propensity to invest, and this trend continues with an increasing sense of urgency. In Forrester’s Global Business Technographics® Marketing Survey, 2015, 50% of 248 European markers even named “don’t have the right technology” as their most important organizational concern related to achieving their marketing priorities — and European firms now have stronger investment plans than their North American peers in almost every marketing category.

As well as having to deal with a more complex regulatory environment, marketing and sales disciplines are also markedly different in Europe”.

Marketing Automation Can Be Made In Europe


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