Ryan Shelley says, “Keywords are essential to every aspect of your SEO campaign, from on-site placement and usage to link prospecting and acquisition. Knowing which terms to target and how to target them can either produce great results or end in a huge flop.

Defining and categorizing your keywords will help in your link outreach and community building online, both of which are essential in order to drive relevant traffic to your site. While there are a number of schools of thought when it comes to the types of keywords we should use, I want to walk you through the seven types we use at my company and how we use them in all areas of our SEO strategy.

1. Market-defining keywords

Market-defining keywords are terms and phrases your target audience uses when talking about your business or industry. These phrases are usually very broad and generic, so they are often much harder to rank for than others; nonetheless, they are still extremely important.

These terms are critical in your on-page optimization. Following SEO best practices, add these terms throughout your site pages. Market-defining keywords are also helpful in jump-starting your content creation. Framing these keywords inside broader questions can help you develop some great content for your site or blog”.

7 types of keywords to boost your SEO strategy

Search Engine Land

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