JP Gownder says, “Moonlighting as a contributor to our CMO role’s research, I’ve just published a major new report about how virtual reality will affect marketers, collaborating with Forrester’s lead on digital disruption, James McQuivey, PhD.

CMOs and other marketers have four choices when it comes to virtual reality (VR). Most of you should wait and see, because there’s no business imperative to invest scarce time and resources in VR this year. But there are three other choices available to digital predators – that is, CMOs at companies that want to shape trends, not follow them:

1. Crawl – The Coachella music festival went a step beyond providing an event app: they handed out thousands of cardboard VR headsets to attendees. Since festival-goers can’t be everywhere at once, they can catch shows that happened on other stages, extending and rounding out the benefits of attendance. They recognized that consumers don’t yet own their own VR devices, so they gave them out as part of the experience to deepen engagement”.

Marketing With Virtual Reality


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