Chow says, “Many people have the dream of making money from blogging. Many people have the dream to become full-time bloggers, finally quitting their day jobs to live the dot com lifestyle. Maybe that’s why you’re here reading John Chow dot Com. And while both John and I are pretty public about who we are and what we do, there are many successful bloggers who aren’t exactly who they say they are.

Just as there are authors who use pseudonyms or “pen names” for some of their work, the same can be said about earning a living on the Internet. It just might be in your best interest to create a fictional persona for your online exploits.

Anonymity and Privacy

We’ve all heard about how the Internet can be an inherently scary place and identity theft is something that happens all the time. When you use your real name and put your life out there in the open, you are exposing yourself to potential threats and dangers“.

The Case for Using an Online Persona

John Chow’s Blog

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