Jerry Low says, “According to McKinsey iConsumer’s 2012 survey, emails are still an effective way to acquire new customers. In fact, when compared to social media, they are 40X more effective.

Our experience matches up to these statistics. I did a survey a year ago here at WHSR and asked bloggers what was the biggest mistake they’d made in their blogging career. Hands down, the #1 regret these bloggers had was that they’d not built a strong email list from the time they started blogging.

I think the #1 blogging mistake I made from the get-go was to not build an email list right from day 1.

I mean, you spend all that time and effort perfecting your blog posts, being social on social media, and marketing your blog – but what happens once you’ve hooked a new reader?”.

6 Ways to Increase Your Email Subscription Rates Instantly

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